The time now is 11:11pm
cute drummer(:
Make me want learn drum :D
His Aeygo is the besttttt ;D
So cuteeeee(:
cannot be bought.
Sad uh.
But most of us going to Through Train(:
Some went express,
wish they drop back to normal!
All abandoned us. hahah
Wish them good luck(:
Shall come back with loads of pictures(?)
Since last Thursday, i hadn't gone to school till this wednesday.
Dont have the feeling to go school but dragged myself to school,
to see friends(:
Tmr's the last day with 2Praise.
But maybe not all going, haha.
Shall wait for our class chalet(:
Which i doubt i'll be going :B
Watched Crow Zero (Episode: 0)/Crow Zero II.
Damn damn nice.
Finished in two days time :D
Didnt know Oguri Shun got this show.
Crow Zero II was released on April 2009.
Mae introduced me this show(:
I liked Oguri Shun ever since
the japanese version of Hana Kimi(:
Damn Zai la.
Got time your go watch
and we can share comments(:
Watched Where Got Ghost after exams,
Watched it at PS the Cathay.
with Diana, RuiXuan, Vanessa, Pauline and Bevely.
Quite nice show, 4.5/5 stars for it(:
They four went home bathed and meet again.
Bevely and i thought that we wouldnt have time.
cause the show starts at 1240.
So we went to eat pizza hut :D
super fulllllll. :/
In the end, went there also late for the show.
so bought the 250 show.
Watched and everyone went home:)
Lastly, saw my Brother shop.
i only know its located at Cathay.
Today first time went there(:
Do Support!
They sell guys clothing from overseas.
no singapore products :D
At level 2.