wont talk about other subject,
but just Geography alone.
iPhone couldnt send to normal phone,
so i took a picture of it.
Kristin took it during geog.
The funniest joke of the day is,
Mr William Ho talking about his Family. ;D
Mr Ho:
(drew a ah gong)
this is mr ho. my father la!
the past, he married my mother.
and hoped for a boy, eventually they got it.
after 2yrs, they wanted to try for another boy.
In the end a girl.
they tried, a girl.
tried again, another girl and another girl.
At last, they got a boy! (Mr.Ho)
and this last boy is now 43yrs old. -.-
and this boy got 1 son, named J.Kai, 11yrs old.
2Girls, Glorianne(4yrs) and Chloe(2yrs).
(talked about geog stuffs..left few minutes,
chatted with kristin, me, sherill, bevely, mae, gina)
ended class, went to the HOD room
cause Kristin need take her file.
After taking, Bevely asked Mr Ho
So how he proposed to his wife?
He answered:
as usual la, you know, flowers.
Aiyah, i forgot to froze the..the..the ring.
Bevely: Aiyoh, so oPiang!
Mr Ho: of course la.
oh, and i placed a board "Will You Marry Me" on the tree.
I said: you go propose again, now mordern one.
Mr Ho: No la.
Bevely: Aiyoh, never put heart shape on the tree,
like that more romantic ma!
Mr Ho: Aiyoh, why i never think of that?!
Then write on board put on tree ma.
Mr Ho: wa, next time this girl husband sure very hard to propose to her. Fly kites better!
Bevely: You got sing i swear to your wife la?
Mr Ho: (singing "i swear" all the way)
and we went for cme lesson.
decided on the class tee design and we went to canteen.
oh, i forgot my: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk